Welcome to Leadershirts Plus!

Welcome to Leadershirts Plus!

Karl BimshasThanks for stopping by Leadershirts Plus.
If you're a fan of my writing, podcast, or leadership guidance, this place is for you to find fun gifts and tools for yourself and others.

What's here?



  • Leader shirts - Tee-shirts that have the philosophies and sayings found in my writing, podcast, or leadership consulting practice ...
  • Plus - We've got big plans. Yes, soon, you'll find other products that fit the servant leader mindset, as well as inspiration for writers (because we're always searching for a muse.)
  • Plus, over time, you will find other leadership projects from my firm, Karl Bimshas Consulting. Like what, you ask? Well, we've got a few books, scores of worksheets, assessments, journals, and other things for busy professionals who want to manage better and lead well.

Leadershirts Plus

Our vision is to help create environments where great leaders outnumber lousy leaders, and better leadership is the norm, not the exception. Leadershirts Plus helps in that vision.

Part of our mission is to lead and inspire busy professionals to maximize their strengths, look at things differently, and provoke positive change.

We like to challenge, disrupt, and dramatically reduce the influence of lousy leaders by using candor, humor, and accountability.

We see leadership everywhere, from classrooms to boardrooms, and encourage the growth of better leaders to help make a positive difference in their world.

I believe Leadershirts Plus and your enthusiasm for our products and services can help make all of that happen.

Come back often, because we are going to add and delete products based on what you crave. In many ways, you will become the curator of Leadershirts Plus. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.


Karl Bimshas Consulting

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